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Academic Services
Ejournal Laws Faculty
The Faculty of Law publishes various journals, among others , Masalah Masalah Hukum , Diponegoro Law Review , Law Reform dan Diponegoro Private law Review
Perpustakaan Fakultas Hukum
The Faculty of Law Library has various kinds of literature that supports learning activities and final assignment writing, there is also an online e-book feature
BLOG Universitas Diponegoro
In cyberspace, stories and thoughts can be written in a blog, as work and ideas from the Diponegoro University academic community.
Layanan Live Chat HALO UNDIP
In the digital world, live chat is here to help with everything about Undip, you can easily find it at your fingertips.
Announcement of the Metaverse Product Development Competition of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology
In the context of developing Metaverse technology-based learning methods for universities in Indonesia with the aim of improving the quality of learning and the relevance of higher education, the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology through...
Visiting Lecturer Lorenzo Pennesi
On September 30, the Faculty of Law held a Visiting Lecturer with Lorenzo Pennesi (EDUCATION LAWYER) with the following profile: Master of Law Degree 2014 from Macerata University - 110/110 cum laude - Commercial law thesis "Compulsory autonomy srl ten years after...
Congratulations on the Inauguration of Mrs. Ani Purwanti as a Professor of Law Faculty Lecturer
With the speech of Prof. Dr. Ani Purwanti, S.H., M.Hum in her inauguration regarding "Gender equality can only be done through the fulfillment of women's constitutional rights which are a reflection of Pancasila as a staatsfundamentalnorm which requires justice for...
Renovation of the Law Faculty IUP Building
With the end of the COVID-19 Pandemic and lectures starting to run face-to-face, it is necessary to improve lecture services including classrooms and new standards of efficient lecture processes while still complying with health protocols. Due to the increasing number...
Download the Job Training Course Guide
Application-KP.pdf Letter-Cover-KP.pdf Job Training Handbook SOSIALISASI-PEDOMAN-KERJA-PRAKTEK-MHS (2)
Academic News
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International Undergraduate Program News
SMAN 6 Tangerang Regency Goes to Campus FH Undip On TUESDAY, January 30, 2024, 160 students from class 11 of SMA Negeri 6 Tangerang Regency and eight companions visited the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University. Their presence was warmly welcomed by the Administrative...
Sewon 1 Public High School Visits Undip Law Faculty in the “Study Campus” Activity.
On Friday, January 26, 2024, the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University (Undip) received a special visit from class XII students of SMA Negeri 1 Sewon, Bantul Regency, in the context of the "Study Campus" activity. This event was held in Room H 304, at Prof....
Research and Lecturer Service
Uncover the mysteries of nature and technology in vivid experiments. With books and journals, and loyal companions in hand, Campus is a place where research comes to life.
Devotion is always the application of knowledge for the good of society. Teaching, sharing, and inspiring, the University is a sacred place of service.
Fakultas Hukum
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Sustainable Development Goals Undip
“Diponegoro University as a higher education institution in Indonesia is committed to implementing various programs related to SDGs. All faculties, schools and other units at Undip have prepared programs and activities to achieve the 17 goals in the SDGs. “This is in order to support the Indonesian Government’s commitment to achieving the national SDGs targets.”
- Profil
- Visi dan Misi
- Akreditasi
- Dosen Pengajar
- Penjaminan Mutu
- Fasilitas Kontak
- Pendaftaran
- Kalender Akademik
- Data Statistik Profil Mahasiswa
- Data Statik Alademik dan Mahasiswa
- Kerja Praktek Magang
- Buku Pedoman Program S1 Hukum
- Peraturan Akademik
- Panduan Skripsi
- Kurikulum 2012
- Kurikulum 2017
- Kurikulum 2020
- Kurikulum Merdeka
- Akreditasi
Layanan Publik
- Layanan Informasi Publik
- Jam Kerja Pelayanan
- Unduhan
Kemahasiswaaan dan Alumni
- HPMS Badaan Eksekutif Mahasiswa
- HPMS Senat
- UKMF Psedorecthspraak
- Basket FH
- PSM Satya Darma Gita
- Kelompok Studi Bahasa Asing – KSBA
- Persekutuan Mahasiswa Kristen
- Kelompok Diskusi Kelas Sosial KSKS
- Kelompok Riset dan Debat
- UKM Bola
- Gema Keadilan
- Profil Alumni
- Tracer Study
Riset dan Pengabdian
- Penelitian 2018
- Penelitian 2019
- Penelitian 2020
- Penelitian 2021
- Penelitian 2022
- Pengabdian 2018
- Pengabdian 2019
- Pengabdian 2020
- Pengabdian 2021
- Pengabdian 2022
- Pengabdian 2023
- Dipenogoro Law Rivew
- Jurnal Masalah Hukum
- Jurnal Diponegoro S1
IUP Class
- IUP Flyer
- Procedure and Requirement for Undergraduate Thesis
- Undergraduate Thesis Book
- Curriculum
- Internasional Exposure

Jalan dr. Antonius Suroyo
Kampus Universitas Diponegoro
Tembalang, Semarang, Kode Pos 50275
Telepon (024) 76918201 Fax (024) 76918206
Laman: www.fh.undip.ac.id, Pos-el: fh@live.undip.ac.id