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Academic Services
Ejournal Laws Faculty
The Faculty of Law publishes various journals, among others , Masalah Masalah Hukum , Diponegoro Law Review , Law Reform dan Diponegoro Private law Review
Perpustakaan Fakultas Hukum
The Faculty of Law Library has various kinds of literature that supports learning activities and final assignment writing, there is also an online e-book feature
BLOG Universitas Diponegoro
In cyberspace, stories and thoughts can be written in a blog, as work and ideas from the Diponegoro University academic community.
Layanan Live Chat HALO UNDIP
In the digital world, live chat is here to help with everything about Undip, you can easily find it at your fingertips.
Undip KKN Students Promote Instilling Pancasila Values in Elementary School Children in Banjarsari
Implementation of the socialization of Instilling Pancasila Values. Banjarsari, Pekalongan (27/07) – Student Community Service Team II at Diponegoro University (Undip) took the initiative to conduct outreach to the children of Banjarsari 01 Public Elementary School....
Undip is Wise in Using Social Media in Teenagers in the Wetan Dilemma
Wise Socialization in Social Media. Dilem Wetan, Pekalongan (01/08) – Undip KKN Team II 2023 students conduct outreach to adolescents aged 16-18 years at Pak Tarozaeni's Rukun Tetangga (RT) house. Using social media wisely at a young age in the context of the...
Preventing Money Politics, Undip KKN Students Conduct Education on Prevention of Money Politics in the Context of the 2024 Election
Jolotigo Village, Pekalongan (27/7/2023) - One of the problems that often arise during elections is the practice of money politics. Money politics, also known as money politics, is an act of using money or giving material rewards in any form to influence the political...
Stop Narcotics Abuse! Undip KKN Students Hold Education on Prevention of Narcotics Abuse
Jolotigo Village, Pekalongan, (24/7/2023) - Narcotics are a substance or drug derived from various sources, including plants, synthetic or semi-synthetic, which has the capability to cause a decrease or modification of consciousness, and has the potential to create...
Stop Early Marriage! UNDIP Community Service Students Conduct Counseling on Preventing Early Marriage
Kalirejo Village, Pekalongan (24/7/2023) – Data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) shows that 33.76% of youth in Indonesia will record their first marriage age in the range of 19-21 years in 2022. Child marriage is still rife until now. Komnas Perempuan noted...
Avoid Drugs, Smart Nation! UNDIP KKN Students Conduct Anti-Drug Counseling
Kalirejo Village, Pekalongan, (24/7/2023) - Drug use among the younger generation is increasingly worrying. Narkoba is an abbreviation for narcotics, psychotropics, and other addictive substances. Drug abuse is the use of drugs classified as narcotics, psychotropics,...
Academic News
163rd graduation ceremony
Students of Class 2012-2016 who still want improvement or are lacking compulsory courses
Students of Class 2012-2016 who still want improvement or are lacking compulsory courses, please request the class so we can open it for the IRS if it doesn't fill it means we won't open the class LOGIN YOUR SSO STUDENT AND OPEN THE FORM IN THIS LINK
It is notified to students who are going to carry out the Legal Writing Exam, that the implementation of the Law Writing Exam will be held on 10 and 11 December 2020 online / online. The flow of implementing the online Legal Writing Exam (Thesis) is as follows:...
Repost :Chat with Prospective Participants of the Undip Law Faculty KKN
For participants of KKN January 2021, please attend the ZOOM Metting: Topic: Chat with Prospective Participants of Undip Law Faculty KKN Time: Monday, December 7 2020 at 19.30 WIB Meeting ID: 83130050265 Passcode: KKN21FH
SKPI Submission Flow (Certificate Companion Diploma)
Requirements 1. Entered into force from 2017 2. Number of cumulative credits 144 SKPI Submission Procedure: 1. Submitting an application to the Faculty by filling out the SKPI Form and filling out a professional / competency certificate that is held for a maximum of 5...
The registration requirements for the Legal Writing Exam are as follows: 1. An original scan of the TOEFL certificate with a minimum score of 400 from SEU Undip or from other institutions (which have previously been verified by BAA Undip) 2. Students starting in 2017...
International Undergraduate Program News
Visit of MAN 4 South Jakarta to Faculty of Law Diponegoro University
On February 26, 2024, Faculty of Law Diponegoro University warmly received a visit from MAN 4 South Jakarta. A total of 145 students and 5 accompanying teachers participated in this visit. This visit was enthusiastically welcomed by the Administrative Manager of FH...
Visit of SMAN 12 South Tangerang to Faculty of Law Undip
On February 22, 2024, at 13.00 WIB, the Faculty of Law of Diponegoro University (FH Undip) received a visit from SMAN 12 South Tangerang. The visit was attended by 120 students and 24 accompanying teachers. Their arrival was warmly welcomed by the Secretary of the FH...
Study Visit: SMA N 3 Cilegon to FH Undip
On February 20, 2024, SMAN 3 Cilegon embarked on a study visit to the Faculty of Law at Universitas Diponegoro (FH Undip). A total of 250 students and 12 accompanying teachers participated in this visit. The activity was warmly welcomed by the Administrative Manager...
Research and Lecturer Service
Uncover the mysteries of nature and technology in vivid experiments. With books and journals, and loyal companions in hand, Campus is a place where research comes to life.
Devotion is always the application of knowledge for the good of society. Teaching, sharing, and inspiring, the University is a sacred place of service.
Fakultas Hukum
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Sustainable Development Goals Undip
“Diponegoro University as a higher education institution in Indonesia is committed to implementing various programs related to SDGs. All faculties, schools and other units at Undip have prepared programs and activities to achieve the 17 goals in the SDGs. “This is in order to support the Indonesian Government’s commitment to achieving the national SDGs targets.”
- Profil
- Visi dan Misi
- Akreditasi
- Dosen Pengajar
- Penjaminan Mutu
- Fasilitas Kontak
- Pendaftaran
- Kalender Akademik
- Data Statistik Profil Mahasiswa
- Data Statik Alademik dan Mahasiswa
- Kerja Praktek Magang
- Buku Pedoman Program S1 Hukum
- Peraturan Akademik
- Panduan Skripsi
- Kurikulum 2012
- Kurikulum 2017
- Kurikulum 2020
- Kurikulum Merdeka
- Akreditasi
Layanan Publik
- Layanan Informasi Publik
- Jam Kerja Pelayanan
- Unduhan
Kemahasiswaaan dan Alumni
- HPMS Badaan Eksekutif Mahasiswa
- HPMS Senat
- UKMF Psedorecthspraak
- Basket FH
- PSM Satya Darma Gita
- Kelompok Studi Bahasa Asing – KSBA
- Persekutuan Mahasiswa Kristen
- Kelompok Diskusi Kelas Sosial KSKS
- Kelompok Riset dan Debat
- UKM Bola
- Gema Keadilan
- Profil Alumni
- Tracer Study
Riset dan Pengabdian
- Penelitian 2018
- Penelitian 2019
- Penelitian 2020
- Penelitian 2021
- Penelitian 2022
- Pengabdian 2018
- Pengabdian 2019
- Pengabdian 2020
- Pengabdian 2021
- Pengabdian 2022
- Pengabdian 2023
- Dipenogoro Law Rivew
- Jurnal Masalah Hukum
- Jurnal Diponegoro S1
IUP Class
- IUP Flyer
- Procedure and Requirement for Undergraduate Thesis
- Undergraduate Thesis Book
- Curriculum
- Internasional Exposure

Jalan dr. Antonius Suroyo
Kampus Universitas Diponegoro
Tembalang, Semarang, Kode Pos 50275
Telepon (024) 76918201 Fax (024) 76918206
Laman: www.fh.undip.ac.id, Pos-el: fh@live.undip.ac.id