Service Process and Academic Form
- Students download the required form
- Students create/fill out the form
- After that the form that has been filled out is sent by email and confirmed through WhatsApp, with the division:
File sent to email: kemahasiswaan.fh.undip@gmail.com and confirmation to Bp. Udin (08156607967) for letters:
- Tuition room application
- Active student certificate
- College student affidavit for parental salary benefits
- Certificate of good behavior
- Letter of recommendation
The file is sent to email: alvirachmawati@staff.undip.ac.id and confirmation to Mrs. Alvi (081227599981) for the letter:
- Pre-research/research license
- Data retrieval license
- Leave/re-active
- Submission of resignation
- Internship/practical work application
The file is sent to email: amaliaseptiania@staff.undip.ac.id and confirmation to Mrs. Amalia (08122544626) for the letter:
- Registration of legal writing
- Change thesis title
- Replacement of thesis guidance lecturer
- Legal writing service notes
The file is sent to email: devy@staff.undip.ac.id and confirmation to Mrs Devy (081567835599) for registration and implementation of the law writing exam.

Pre-Research License
Creation of a letter for pre-research permission / before conducting research to the agency

Research License
Creation of a letter for research license / conducting research to the agency

Information Data Retrieval License
Creation to obtain data information to related law school data

Thesis Title Replacement Form
Form when students will substitute thesis titles to new titles

Thesis Guidance Replacement Form
Form when the student will replace the thesis supervisor – there must be permission from the chairman of the section first

Ijasah Replacement Form or Transcript
Damaged or missing ijasah replacement forms and transcripts

Form Translate Ijasah or Transcript
Form translate ijasah and transcript to English

Leave Application Form
Student Leave Form

Reactivated Application Form
Student Form to activate status to Active if from Miss status

Resignation Application Form
Student Form for Retreat

Active Student Description Form
Student Form for proof of Active status

Active Student Description Form for Benefits
Student Form for proof of Active status to take care of civil servant benefits