The Faculty of Law of Diponegoro University warmly welcomed a visit from Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Futuhiyyah 2 Mranggen on Monday, 13 May 2024. A total of 77 students and 8 accompanying teachers arrived at Room H. 304 Satjipto Rahardjo Building to deepen their understanding of the legal world. The Administrative Manager of FH Undip, Yunarso Hendrianto, S.E., delivered a warm welcome. Although the Dean of FH Undip had an exam schedule, Yunarso conveyed his welcome to the group and apologized for the Dean’s absence.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Head of Public Relations of MA Futuhiyyah 2 Mranggen, Mr Mohamad Khoiron, S.Ag. expressed his hope for this visit. “This morning we were welcomed at FH Undip, hopefully, the students can listen well. We hope that the children in the boarding school can become students with law degrees,” he said, showing his aspiration to produce a generation of qualified and outstanding students in the field of law.

This visit was followed by a plaque handover ceremony as a sign of friendship between FH Undip and MA Futuhiyyah 2 Mranggen. Then, the Head of FH Undip’s Undergraduate Program, Dr. Aditya Yuli Sulistyawan, S.H., M.H., gave a presentation on study programs at FH Undip, providing comprehensive insights to the students. The event then ended with a question and answer session, where the students were allowed to ask questions directly to the representatives of FH Undip. This exchange of ideas and information is expected to help the students understand more about the world of law and motivate them to pursue higher education in this field. The visit from MA Futuhiyyah 2 Mranggen demonstrates the importance of cooperation between educational institutions to enrich student’s learning experiences and encourage the creation of a skilled and knowledgeable generation in the field of law.