Kedungjati Village (21/07/2023) – Children’s rights are basic rights that must be given and obtained by children, including early childhood and also adolescents aged 12-18 years. This right of the child applies both to children who have parents or who do not have parents and also to abandoned children.
Fulfillment of immunization for children is an important aspect in the context of protecting and fulfilling children’s rights. Immunization not only ensures the health of individual children but also contributes to preventing the spread of infectious diseases that can harm the health of society as a whole. The Right to Growth and Development In a child’s life, children must be given the best possible opportunity to grow and develop, such as getting good care, and education, if they are sick they are treated or taken to a doctor, given breast milk, immunized, taken to the posyandu. In addition, psychological development is also considered, such as providing a sense of security and comfort, creating a conducive environment, keeping children away from things that are dangerous, and not giving food that is harmful to their development.

Seeing the importance of this, Sintya Sihotang, who is a student at the Law Department of KKN Team II UNDIP 2023, provided socialization with the aim of increasing public awareness regarding the importance of fulfilling immunization for children as a form of protection and fulfillment of children’s rights. This step is in line with Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection, which emphasizes the importance of children’s rights, including the right to health and protection from disease,
The socialization was given to women residents of Kedungjati Village, Warureja District, Tegal Regency. Through a better understanding of the importance of immunization and existing legal support, it is hoped that the fulfillment of immunization can increase, so that children can grow optimally and are protected from dangerous diseases and hope to contribute to increasing the fulfillment of immunization for children and protecting children’s rights in accordance with the Law. Number 35 of 2014.

If increased efforts to protect children can be handled properly, it will be easier to achieve child welfare. Because so far in fact many violations of children’s rights have occurred due to the lack or unclear protection of children. Protected children, advanced Indonesia!
Author: Sintya Br Sihotang (Law)

Field Supervisor: Naintina Lisnawati, S.K.M., M.Gizi