Wise Socialization in Social Media. Dilem Wetan, Pekalongan (01/08) – Undip KKN Team II 2023 students conduct outreach
to adolescents aged 16-18 years at Pak Tarozaeni’s Rukun Tetangga (RT) house. Using social media wisely at a young age in the context of the Electronic Information and Transaction Law (UU ITE) in Indonesia is very important. The ITE Law has provisions governing the use of social media and online behavior in general. Social media is media in the form of sites or applications that involve internet-based information technology. Internet technology-based media encourages and enables its users to connect with anyone, both close people and strangers who have never known before (Permana, Budi, et al., 2020). Respect the privacy of others Avoid uploading or sharing someone’s personal information or photos without permission, especially if it could harm or violate their privacy. Avoid
spreading false or slanderous content, do not spread false or slanderous information that can harm the reputation of a person or group, in this case, it violates the ITE Law and can lead to legal problems. Avoid harassment and insults, and do not send messages or upload content that is insulting, demeaning, or threatening. This action can be considered an act of defamation or insult in accordance with the ITE Law. Protect personal information and avoid using other people’s personal information without permission.

If you find content that violates the ITE Law or is detrimental, you can report it to the platform provider or report it to the authorities who have the authority to deal with the case. Remember that the use of social media must be done wisely and responsibly. Violations of the ITE Law can have a serious impact on reputation and the future. Always consider the impact of actions before posting or
interact on social media.
#KKNUndipTim2 #P2KKNUndip #LPPMUndip #Undip
Author: Gabriella Rianita Irene
DPL : Muhammad Iqbal Fauzan S.P., M.Sc
Location: SD N 01 Banjarsari, Talun District, Pekalongan Regency.