Kedungjati Village (17/07/2023) – Education has a very important role because it can have a positive impact on the development of a country, especially human resource capabilities. Indonesia is a country that requires every citizen to complete 12 years of education starting from elementary, middle, and high school. Kedungjati Village, Warureja District, is one of the sub-districts in the Tegal Regency. Based on data from BPS Tegal Regency, the education level in Warureja is still low. It is said to be low because the majority of the population only complete their education at the elementary school level, while the percentage of university graduates is also very low. This indicates that at the secondary school level, there are still many who decide not to continue to a higher level.
Seeing this phenomenon, Sintya Sihotang, who is a student at the Law Department of KKN Team II UNDIP 2023, provided education on “The Influence of Learning Motivation, Peer Environment, Against Interest in Continuing Education”. This socialization was given to students in MTS Pinayungan, Kedungjati Village, Warureja District, Tegal Regency.

This socialization provided motivation and understanding to MTS Pinayungan students that the State has given serious attention and concern to education. UU no. 20/2003 concerning the National Education System mandates that “National education is organized in a democratic and fair manner and is not discriminatory by upholding human rights” (article 4) and “The government and regional governments are obliged to provide services and facilities, as well as guarantee the implementation of quality education for every citizen country without discrimination” (article 11 paragraph 1).

With this socialization, it is hoped that the students of MTS Pinayungan can understand the importance of education and have the motivation to continue their education to a higher level.

Author: Sintya Br Sihotang (Law)

Field Supervisor: Naintina Lisnawati, S.K.M., M.Gizi